
I was driving to work last week and I was coming to a stop behind a car at traffic lights, luckily I wasn't tailgating and left plenty of room, as my brake pedal went hard and I really hard to put all my weight in the the pedal to stop from crashing into the car in front.

So, as i was in the countryside and I knew there was a layby about 100 metres ahead I pulled over using engine braking and handbrake. I turned off the engine, did some googling and when I tried the brakes again they were back to normal. Luckily I was right by work and knew there was a car garage nearby so I dropped it off (it was in the same garage day before for an oil change).

Since then they have worked fine and the mechanics couldn't find anything wrong.

I have had the car for 15 years now and it's just hit 250,000 miles and it's never happened before.

What do you suspect had happened and needs further investigation?

Many thanks