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Thread: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue

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  1. Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Hi everyone.
    I am after a bit of help or some information no matter how big or small.I own an A6 with the Bitdi engine(CVUA)with 45000 miles on the clock.
    Three weeks ago whilst driving in town the DPF light came on and immediately after the glow plug light.Tried putting the car in dynamic but made no difference as the ECU put the car into limp mode.
    Drove home,did a quick scan with Vcds and got two fault codes:
    1.P2463-Particulate filter/Excessive Soot Acumulation
    2.P2002-Particulate trap Bank1/Efficiency bellow threshold.
    Afert a quick search on the net I decided to force a Dpf Regen with VCDS which although didn’t fully complete despite the car running for around 45 minutes(25minutes holding the revs to 2000Rpm)it made enough difference that the DPF and glow plug light went out and the car was back to its former self.
    400miles later same thing happens again only this time I’ve got the DPF,glow plug and management engine light on and the car is back to limp mode again.Another quick scan and the two codes pop up again.
    I am currently looking at taking the DPF off the car and sending to a cleaning specialist to try and clean all the accumulated soot but the one thing that worries me more than anything is the P2002 code which after reading on the internet and other forums is mostly related to the EGR cooler.Phoned up Audi today and got quoted £830 for a new EGR valve which isn’t the best of news.Does anyone know how many hours would it take for a garage to replace the part if this was indeed the issue.I have seen this YouTube clip(in Polish) where one is removed and it seems that there is quite a bit of wiring and sensors to take out before I can get to the EGR valve.I am now debating wether to attempt this myself or leave it to a garage if it doesn’t take 15 hours for example to replace which would add another fortune on top of the cost of the new valve.
    I have also seen people mention the possibility of the Dpf pressure sensor going bad but there’s usually a fault code associated with it,although for £85 for one from Audi it wouldn’t be a bad place to start.
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions or can advise on how long it would take to replace the EGR valve?
    Truth be told the car is driven mainly in town.It gets serviced by myself every year with new filters all around and I carry out two oil changes every year also which is roughly around every 2000 miles.The car is stock and has never been remapped.
    Only ever used Shell V Power on the car in the 4 years that I’ve owned it.
    Thanks in advance guys…
    2016 A6 BITDI
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  2. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    I have been in touch with a few garages to try and get an estimate on the replacement of the EGR valve and I am being quoted around 10-12 hours to replace the part.
    To me that sounds a bit excessive and I’m not sure they are correct as one place in particular is saying 12 hours as the turbo has to come out which surely can’t be the case.Can those that have done this or had it done at a garage confirm how long this should take roughly…
    I am leaning more towards having a go at it myself.
    Can anyone advise wether the coolant needs replacing when removing and installing a new EGR??
    2016 A6 BITDI
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  3. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    It is on the back of the DPF which is after the SCR cat and under the turbo. It is ******* evil to do, an absolute pig. Next time we are taking the engine out or front off. For 12 hours I would not even open the bonnet Right down in there, impossible from below or above

    If it is blocked up like this, you have a reductant problem which can run to £5k plus even non dealer.

    Anthropogenic climate change, the biggest con inflicted on mankind since religion...

    Slava Ukraini

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  4. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Hi Crasher and Thanks for taking the time to reply.
    Are you sure that is an EGR valve from the Biturbo engine.
    I am a bit confused now but to me that seems like a 2.0 engine bay.In my case I believe the EGR valve is located under the intake manifold,but I could be completely wrong.
    I had a look at this video which shows the EGR valve located at the front and on the top of the engine under the intake manifold almost.
    AUDI A6 C7 3.0BiTDI Poważny Wyciek Płynu#MatPanewka# - YouTube

    Could you please let me know if your photos are of a 2.0 litre engine bay?Or maybe I’ve got this all wrong…
    2016 A6 BITDI
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  5. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Sory, didn't notice that it was V6, still useful (depressing) info for someone with an Ultra. What is the VIN?
    Anthropogenic climate change, the biggest con inflicted on mankind since religion...

    Slava Ukraini

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  6. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Hi Crasher.
    The VIN is WAUZZZ 4G 5 GN153251.
    In the meantime I’ve removed the DPF and dropped it off with a cleaning specialist.
    Also got a new DPF Pressure sensor on order from Audi.This would be the cheapest solution with £300 for the DPF clean and £91 for the new sensor.
    Craher would you know if would have to force another regeneration of the DPF once it’s back on the car??Or is there anything i need to do with VCDS after reinstalling the DPF.I am aware of the VCDS adaption for the new sensor but not sure of the filter…

    2016 A6 BITDI
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  7. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    If you can remove the df then you can easily remove the egr unit. Its not difficult; just need to remove everything out of the way. Whilst its out you can change the coolant valve and gaskets as its a common failure on the v6. i changed my egr unit at 35k miles, nothing wrong with it and still fairly clean, just managed to get a brand new one for silly cheap money. Still have the old one somewhere as its still useable.
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  8. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Thanks for the info bud.
    Did you have to do any adaptations with VCDS once you’ve installed the new EGR Valve so that the ECU learns that there is a new one on the car??
    When the parts department priced up the new EGR they did mention that there were also some gaskets that I would have to purchase but I will ask for the coolant valve also.
    The DPF i managed to take off the car in less than an hour and most of that time went on jacking the car up going back and forth for the correct size spanner/sockets.
    Got the DPF back again after the cleaning and will fit at the weekend but fear it won’t make much difference and it will have to be the EGR next.
    2016 A6 BITDI
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  9. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Does anyone know exactly where the DPF pressure sensor is located on the Bitdi or the standard 3.0 diesel engine.
    Refitted the DPF today after cleaning and than spent another hour under the car and above the engine looking the damn thing but for the life me I can’t seem to find this sensor anywhere.
    Got the new one from Audi ready to swap.Also got a sketch from the guy in the parts department and still couldn’t work it out.
    Does anyone have any photos of it’s location?
    2016 A6 BITDI
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  10. Re: Bitdi Dpf and potential EGR issue 
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    Have you noticed an increase an reductant fluid consumption? The pressure sensor, new number 059 906 051 K (we only use genuine) is on the bulkhead with a hose running down to the output of the cat before the DPF.
    Anthropogenic climate change, the biggest con inflicted on mankind since religion...

    Slava Ukraini

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