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Thread: VWAF User Manual inc. Tips for the New & Inexperienced Fourm User

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  1. Post VWAF User Manual inc. Tips for the New & Inexperienced Fourm User 
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    This forum exists because people like VAG and also want to help others.

    If you are a new or inexperienced forum user and you have issues and question relating to you vehicle, then there are definitely people on here that want to help you. We don't expect you to know anything about cars, but in order for us to help you, you have to help us.

    Things the new / inexperienced forum user can do to help resolve their problems.
    1. Use the search facility within this forum as your problem may have already be discussed in the past. Read on to find out how to use the search tool.

    1a. If your search failed to yeild any suitable answers, please post your question in the most appropriate section of the forum. In order to get the best chance of a reply, initally navigate your way to the correct section of the forum for your question. To help you do this, please read all the titles in full, along with any sub headings that may apply.

    This forum is divided in to sections for each make and model of car. Please post in the correct section. The Chat - General Car Chat - Except VAG Group Cars and the Chat - Completely off topic are the wrong sections to use. If you post in these sections your post will likely be moved or deleted.

    To post a new thread, you will see the 'Post New Thread' button

    Once you have clicked on the button you will be taken to the editor screen where you can type away to your hearts content.

    2. When posting about your problem, supply the very basic of initial details.
    • make of car e.g. Audi / VW
    • model of car e.g. A3 / Golf
    • spec of car e.g. B5 / MK4
    • engine size e.g. 1.4 / 2.0
    • fuel e.g. petrol / derv
    • year of car e.g. 2004
    • reg of car e.g. x / y / 53 / 54
    • the engine code if possible (it maybe 3 letters) e.g ABZ
    This may seem a lot but as an example, my car (at the time of typing this) was the following - 2004, 53 golf mk5 GT TDI, this covers everything bar the engine code.

    3. Tell us about your problem, Give as much info as you can, if its a rattle, knock, sound, vibration, leak or anything, what does it sound like? metal on metal? where does it sound like its coming from? in the dash? front or rear? left or right? When does it occur? in motion? at speed? under braking / acceleration? cornering?

    4. USE PUNCTUATION, commas, full stops etc. It makes your post easier to read.

    4a. Use words in the correct context. A common error is with 'advice' and 'advise'. When posting your question, you will be asking for advice or you will be given advice. e.g. "i will give you the following advice....." Or "I'm advising you do this..." It's basic English.

    5. DO NOT use txt spk (text speak), this does not look good or 'grown up', please type in English. There are few accepted exceptions
    • lol - laugh out loud
    • imo - in my opinion
    • imho - in my humble/honest opinion
    • hth - hope this helps
    • ttfn - ta ta for now
    • swimbo - she who must be obeyed
    • o/h - other half
    • afair - as far as i recall
    • iirc - if i recall correctly
    Continued use of text speak may result in an infraction or a ban.

    6. Use smilies, they help convey tone of voice and your emotions which is very difficult to do in text. Also they are more friendly. Try not to be rude, this will work against you. MANNERS COST NOTHING, please and thank you go along way.

    7. If you can, use photos or video, many people on here use photobucket to host their images as its free and very easy and quick to use (others are available like Picasa and flickr) how to use Photobucket.

    8. This is not a school and you'll not be marked down for spelling. However there is NO excuse for misspelling the most basic of words.

    9. Please try not to get frustrated if no one has replied to your post straight away, members have jobs and families, so allow at least 24 - 36 hrs before bumping your post. But please, do NOT make multiple posts of th same query again and again.
    These are just the very basic of things, the more information you can supply the better your results can be.

    In short, YOU hold all the information, we cant see your car, YOU are our eyes and ears. its up to YOU to help us to help you. If you can't be bothered to spend 5 - 10 mins explaining you are less likely to get any useful advice. Don't forget this is free and it may save you £100s.

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    The 'reply' button can be located to the bottom right of every post. As before, a single click on this button, you will see a 'quick reply' window open up to allow you to enter some basic text with limited formatting options, however, should you double click, you will be taken to the advanced editor screen where you can type away to your hearts content. The only difference here is that the text of the post you wish to reply to has been quoted for you so other forum users know exactly to whom you are replying to.

    The 'Reply With Quote' button can be located to the bottom right of every post, just to the right of the 'Reply' button . As before, a single click on this button, you will see a 'quick reply' window open up to allow you to enter some basic text with limited formatting options. The only difference here is that the text of the post you wish to reply to has been quoted for you so other forum users know exactly to whom you are replying to. however, should you double click on the 'Reply with Quote' button, you will be taken to the advanced editor screen where you can type away to your hearts content and as before the text of the post you wish to reply to has been quoted for you so other forum users know exactly to whom you are replying to.

    Editing Your Post

    Depending on the settings the Admin has chosen, you may or may not have the option to edit your post if you entered something incorrectly or to correct the odd spelling error or to add further detail. To do this, click on the 'Edit Post' button <insert image>, you will be taken to the advanced editor screen to make your changes. If you have included an image or link in your post, it will show up as text in between [IMG] and [/IMG] or . Do not alter any of these details or your image or link wont work.

    Multi quoting

    You may wish to reply to more than one section of a large post. To do this you use the 'multi quote' button this is located to the right of the 'Reply with Quote' button . I have never managed to figure out how this works so if you know, please explain it to me in text and I'll add your method here.

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    Having entered your text, click the 'Send Report' button and it will go to the Moderators hidden section for them to take any appropriate action.
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    Last edited by Ben; 12-04-2012 at 11:47 PM. Reason: added 4a.
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  2. #2
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    This is a good guide to any new member joining the site. Please read this, it will help members help you
    Stuart l VWAudi Forum
    VW Audi Forum - Founder

    Member of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
    Member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists
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    If you need a Part, a Garage, a Tuning Company, or even an Official Dealer the please visit
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    Ways to support the website

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    If you like the site and you would like to donate please click here and use the PayPal button on the right hand side

    Please Note: PLEASE DO NOT Email or PM me with any vehicle related technical questions. I am not qualified to give that sort of advice, please ask the experts we have on the forum.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOLFMK5GTTDI View Post
    7, this is not a school and you'll not be marked down for spelling.
    ...but please have a go, no text speak guys, you're not paying 12p per message here.

    Very useful thread, thanks for posting - now we just have to get posters to read it!

    Considering selling my VCDS KEY-USB interface. If you're interested please contact me via PM or email.
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  4. #4
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    GOLFMK5GTTDI Great guide, well done.

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  5. #5
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    Many thanks to you all for your kind comments.

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  6. Re: Tips for the New and Inexperienced Fourm User 
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    Great little guide here,


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