Whilst stumbling around the internet looking to buy some Forte Diesel Conditioner, as recommended in my earlier thread below. I stumbled across an article about fuel additives, and why they were generally useless.
It would seem, however that there is one product that is not a waste of time or effort. That product is called BG 244.

Rather than bore you all with the details. If you google BG 244UK you’ll find a UK based company selling this product at £23.49 (+delivery). I must admit I’ve never heard of this stuff before this evenings internet search. I wonder if any of you have and if you’ve used it? With a 198,000 mile A4 I’m tempted to give it a punt. But, as I’ve used Forte before and it seems to do something of benefit to the engine, until advised otherwise I think I’ll stick with the product I know.

I’d be very interested to hear others opinions on this BG 244 Product.

Kind Regards.
