As you know, as a site we have a large number of Companies that support the site, and offer there expert advice to you all if required...

As Owner of the site, myself and the team can only do so much when it comes to getting these Companies to help us...

So, this is where you can help....

In this thread please offer your comments on any Company you would like me to approach to see if they would be interested in advertising and helping support this site... You can email if you prefer

Please give as much detail as you can, name, email, web address etc, even a name if you have personal experience with the Company... and I will do the rest and see if we can get these onboard.

I want this site to be the largests resource of VAG related information, including as many Companies related to these marques as I can, that way you all have a choice...

I look forward to your valued help with this...

Stuart & The Team