Quote Originally Posted by Crasher View Post
What threw me was a) being cocky and not looking closely and b) the melted goo all over the raised steel posts made it look like the fuse box I though it was, but that is no excuse for not noticing the spare fuse points above them. So feeble excuses out of the way (ohh and I have a tummy bug as well, does that count?) it looks like a 443 941 822 A from an Audi BUT what throws that into question is the central mounting tag which the Audi unit doesn’t have so is that added on later. This box was used on the 80/90/100/200/Coupe/S2 etc from the 1982 Coupe right up to the Cabriolet in 2000 and only on a VW in the Fox (not the new one) in the US market.

Wealth of over-information = redemption!! (bad tum doesn't count, your an Englishman, damn it! Stiff upper lip man!)