Hi all! I'm "fighting" for a long time with disabling Start/stop system in VCDS on A4/A5 preFL from 2010-2012. I own A5 FL 2013 and succesfully managed to code Start/Stop to be off by default all the time and with reversed LED (LED off-Start/Stop off and vice versa) and if I want to turn it on then I just push the button to turn it on and LED is ON. Module 09-Central elect. channel 34 coding is 28 as default value on both car lines preFL and FL but if I code the same value on preFL like mine is coded I cannot get the same result. Channel 34 coding is 88 for FL cars to have Start/stop off by default and reversed LED but on preFL car it isnt unfortunately and I cannot find the right code to get the same result. I tryed to code 56, 60,80, 88, 92, 96, 120 and 124 but nothing happened. If I code the same value like on FL (it is 88) I get Start stop off all the time but LED isnt reversed so it lits all the time untill I press the key and enable the start/stop. I hope this isnt to complicated for you to understand. I'll be gratefull for any usefull info I can get about this problem. Thanks all!