View Full Version : running in again

03-10-2008, 09:30 PM
come to think of before anyone actually picks there brand new car up from the dealership, let me take you through what i think happens after it comes out of the factory,

loads on to a car carrier wagon taken to the docks when it comes off the wagon some german boy racer will get in your car thrash it for about half a mile to park it ready to be shipped, onto ship, over to uk, off ship, thrashed by a british boy racer about half a mile to be parked up ready for dealership to call it off, someone orders car, dealership calls it off, boy racer at docks gets in car thrashes it half a mile to the main entrance of docks, onto vehicle carrier, gets to dealership, happy punter picks there new car up none the wiser.

so my point is while everyone takes care running in there engine, whats the point when someone has already started the engine damage for you if this actually happens,

the reason i have come to this conclusion is i remember seeing a video on you tube a few months ago of a lad in a brand new passat r36 at the docks thrashing it with only a few miles on the clock ready to drop it off to be picked up, have you noticd when you get a new car there is always some milage on it on the 2 brand new cars i ve had one had 4 miles and one had 6 miles now 6 miles is quite a distance if you think about it its just come out of the factory, where does that 6 miles come from.

04-10-2008, 08:47 AM
Mine had 12 on it!