View Full Version : Dont be nasty. Have a pasty

28-03-2012, 10:54 PM
I will learn to obey the rules

28-03-2012, 11:52 PM
What are you on about? To be a Conservative is not to be a Git thank you very much!

29-03-2012, 08:45 AM
I can only presume our rather rude friend here is trying to express his distaste for the change in the way VAT is applied to hot food goods.

IMHO, it's well overdue. If you sell something that's cooked and intended to be eaten warm, you should be paying VAT on it.

We're not against people expressing their views, but let's avoid derogatory and insulting terms, eh?

29-03-2012, 10:07 AM
It's all here;


We consider that certain types of hot food (such as those listed at VFOOD4220 (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/vfoodmanual/VFOOD4220.htm)) are more likely to satisfy the purpose test and are therefore generally standard-rated. This is generally because of the nature of the product: these are items that are commonly (if not universally) regarded as meals or snacks to be eaten hot. In most cases they are unpalatable, or at least significantly less desirable to eat, when served cold.If you honestly believe the pasty is best served cold then start fighting the good fight.

...from a personal point of view, anything I've bought in one of the many West Cornish Pasty Company outlets is a joke. Hideously overpriced and so far removed from what a pasty should be. My local butcher puts their efforts to shame.

29-03-2012, 10:10 AM
It's all here;


If you honestly believe the pasty is best served cold then start fighting the good fight.

...from a personal point of view, anything I've bought in one of the many West Cornish Pasty Company outlets is a joke. Hideously overpriced and so far removed from what a pasty should be. My local butcher puts their efforts to shame.

I'll agree with that! I visited the York outlet of this chain, I saw the D shape and lovely golden pastry and instantly my mouth began to water.

Imagine my disappointment when I got in there to be greeted by every flavour ofpasty but cornish! If I wanted a steak & ale pasty, I'd have gone to greggs.

29-03-2012, 10:31 AM
...not to mention that freaking vile flaky pastry!

29-03-2012, 11:54 AM
Very sorry. I do apologise.